Local authorities in Hadhramaut welcome the Presidential Leadership Council’s statement on normalizing the province’s situation.

Local Authority in Hadhramaut Welcomes Presidential Council's Statement on Normalizing Conditions

The local authority in Hadhramaut has expressed its support for the comprehensive plan announced by the Presidential Leadership Council on Tuesday. This plan aims to normalize conditions in the province and address the legitimate demands of its residents, alongside enhancing Hadhramaut’s national standing and its vital role in development and stability.

Support for Responsible Actions

In an official statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), the local authority praised the responsible actions taken by the Presidential Council. The authority emphasized its full support for the executive measures outlined in the presidential statement. Furthermore, it expressed readiness to collaborate with various political and social components in the province to implement the plan effectively. This collaboration aims to overcome challenges, reinforce security, and create broader opportunities for development and reconstruction.

Commitment to Transparency and Accountability

The local authority also underscored its commitment to promoting transparency and accountability across all governmental ministries and economic units. It highlighted the importance of aligning these efforts with legal frameworks and the constitution, particularly within the local executive bodies in Hadhramaut.

Gratitude to National Leaders and Supporters

The local authority extended heartfelt thanks to President Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi and the members of the Presidential Leadership Council. Their attention to Hadhramaut and responsiveness to the aspirations of its people received special recognition. Additionally, the authority acknowledged the generous support from the Saudi-led Coalition in support of legitimacy, particularly from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, in aiding the state’s efforts to achieve security and development.

Call for Unity and Cooperation

In closing, the local authority in Hadhramaut renewed its call for unity among the province’s residents and all political and social factions. It urged everyone to set aside differences and work together to safeguard security and stability. The authority envisions a future that meets the aspirations of all and reinforces Hadhramaut’s status as a model for coexistence, development, and peace.


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