Information Minister: Houthi militia sells illusions, promotes fictitious victories, causing destruction in Yemen.

In a recent statement, Yemen’s Minister of Information, Culture, and Tourism, Muammar Al-Eryani, has accused the Houthi militia, an Iran-backed terrorist group, of perpetuating false narratives of victory and selling illusions to the public. Al-Eryani criticized the group for its role in devastating Yemen’s economy, infrastructure, and national security, transforming the country into a battleground for senseless conflicts and a venue for settling regional and international scores, all while serving the interests of Tehran’s regime and its sectarian militia’s expansionist agenda.

Further elaborating on the situation, Al-Eryani highlighted the Houthis’ indifferent and irresponsible reaction to the catastrophic losses inflicted on the national economy following the brutal Israeli airstrikes on the port city of Hodeidah. He condemned the group’s leadership, including its leader Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, for expressing satisfaction over the destruction of one of the country’s most vital economic facilities. According to Al-Eryani, this reaction underscores the Houthis’ status as a rogue gang remotely controlled by Tehran, with no regard for the welfare of Yemen or its people.

Al-Eryani also pointed out that preliminary assessments indicate significant damage to the majority of buildings, facilities, equipment, and infrastructure at the Hodeidah port and the oil installations within it. The reconstruction of these destroyed assets, which took decades to build at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars from the state’s treasury, is expected to take decades.

Questioning the benefits of the Houthi’s actions for the Palestinian cause, Al-Eryani criticized the group for enabling Israeli aggression in Gaza and allowing the occupier to flex its military muscles, thereby undermining Yemen’s sovereignty and achieving a cost-free military and media victory.

Al-Eryani called on all segments of the Yemeni population, especially those living under Houthi control, to recognize the daily losses suffered by the country in terms of its economy and infrastructure. He stressed that the militia has no interest in development or reconstruction, excelling only in warfare, destruction, impoverishment, and starvation of the Yemeni people. He concluded by emphasizing that Yemen’s recovery and return to stability are contingent upon the removal of this criminal gang.

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