Cholera Outbreak Hits 11 States in Sudan

Cholera Outbreak Spreads Across Sudan

In a concerning development, medical sources in Sudan have reported a widespread outbreak of cholera affecting 11 states throughout the country.

Escalating Health Crisis

According to information shared with the Sudan Tribune website, the rate of cholera spread varies across the remaining states, with Kassala leading in the number of cases, followed closely by River Nile and Red Sea states. These areas are seeing a significant uptick in cholera infections, highlighting an escalating health crisis that demands immediate attention.

Rising Death and Infection Rates

The situation has grown increasingly dire in the localities of Al Fao, Al Mafaza, and Qala al Nahal in Gedarif state, eastern Sudan. Here, the past five days have witnessed the death of 26 individuals and the infection of 266 others. The rapid spread of the disease in several villages and neighborhoods is attributed to poor environmental health conditions, a shortage of intravenous fluids, and an increase in fly populations.

Triggered by Natural Disasters

The outbreak, which began on August 12, followed devastating floods and heavy rains that swept across wide areas of Sudan. These natural disasters have exacerbated the situation, with the health crisis expected to persist until the end of the current month.

Government and International Response

The Sudanese Ministry of Health has reported a total of 5,081 cholera cases and 176 deaths. The rising number of cases, particularly in Gedarif, has compelled local authorities to seek assistance from humanitarian organizations for the establishment of isolation centers. This call for aid underscores the urgent need for a coordinated response to contain the outbreak and prevent further loss of life.


The cholera outbreak in Sudan poses a significant public health challenge, affecting thousands and stretching the country’s healthcare resources thin. As the government and international community mobilize to address the crisis, the situation underscores the critical importance of improving environmental health and infrastructure to prevent future outbreaks.


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