The Chief of Staff attended the graduation of the 5th Battalion Leaders and the 11th Officer Qualification Course in the third military region.

Military Graduates Celebrate Achievements in Yemen

On Monday, the Chief of General Staff and Joint Operations Commander, Lieutenant General Saghir bin Aziz, attended the graduation ceremony for the fifth batch of battalion leaders and the eleventh batch of officer training at the Third Military Region.

Acknowledgment of Efforts

During his address at the ceremony, the Chief of General Staff conveyed greetings from the political and military leadership to the graduates and attendees. He praised the Third Military Region’s commitment to training and preparing its personnel both practically and academically. He emphasized the significance of these efforts in strengthening the armed forces’ position in the national fight against remnants of the Imamate and its affiliates. Furthermore, he stressed the importance of enhancing the combat capabilities of all armed forces members and maintaining high levels of readiness and vigilance at all times.

The Importance of Training

Lieutenant General Aziz asserted that training and qualification serve as the foundation for the armed forces’ success in their battle against the Iranian-backed Houthi militia. He highlighted the necessity of building a strong and effective army capable of fulfilling its duties competently. He stated, “Victory will only be achieved through diligent work for God and the homeland,” reiterating the critical role of training in realizing their aspirations for success.

Recognition from Military Leaders

Major General Mansour Thawabah, Commander of the Third Military Region, congratulated the graduates on acquiring valuable skills and experiences. He expressed gratitude to those responsible for the training program and the combat school, which he described as the core of military training and qualification. He urged trainees and field personnel to exert maximum effort to gain experience beneficial for their national struggle against the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militias, which have caused widespread destruction and suffering among Yemenis.

Commitment to Ongoing Training

Major General Thawabah reaffirmed the commitment to continue training and qualifying personnel in the region until they achieve their desired goals. He addressed the graduates directly, stating, “The nation relies on you and those like you, placing its hopes in your hands. Continue your journey with unwavering determination, and remember that every effort you make to protect the homeland and enhance its security and stability is a sacred duty.” He expressed hope that the skills and knowledge acquired by the graduates would serve as a solid foundation for the armed forces and security forces in their future duties.

A Pledge for Liberation

The military leaders renewed their commitment to political and military leadership, vowing to continue the struggle until they completely liberate their beloved homeland from the grasp of the Iranian-backed Houthi militia and restore the flag of the Republic over the mountains of Maran.

Graduates Express Gratitude

In a speech delivered by Major Ziyad Al-Hundani, the graduates expressed their deep gratitude to the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, and the leadership of the Third Military Region for their significant efforts in training and qualification. They reiterated their commitment to making sacrifices to end the suffering of the Yemeni people and free them from the consequences of the Iranian-backed Houthi coup.

Ceremony Highlights

The ceremony concluded with the presence of Major General Ahmed Al-Absi, Deputy Chief of Training and Qualification, along with several military leaders from the Third Military Region, who honored the top-performing graduates.

This graduation marks a significant step in enhancing the capabilities of Yemen’s armed forces and reinforces their commitment to national security and stability.


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