Heavy rains and floods in Dhamar cause significant damage

Heavy Rains and Flash Floods Cause Major Damage in Dhamar, Yemen

Unprecedented Downpour in Wusab Al-Safil

Wusab Al-Safil, a district in Dhamar Governorate located in the western part of Yemen, experienced heavy rainfall on Friday, leading to significant loss of life and damage to property. The continuous rain, which started in the afternoon and persisted, resulted in the bursting of water dams in the villages of Al-Jarf in Qawir and another in Bani Hattam.

Infrastructure and Homes Affected

Sources close to Al-Sahwa Net reported that the torrential rains and the resulting floods from the burst dams caused cracks in several houses in nearby villages. The floods swept away cars, livestock, and farms, leaving the area in devastation. In a preliminary, unofficial tally, local sources confirmed the death and disappearance of over 21 individuals due to the catastrophic events in Wusab the previous day. On Friday evening, residents managed to recover the bodies of three people, including a man, a child, and a woman, in Wadi Alaya, while the fate of others remains unknown.

Lack of Emergency Response Exacerbates Situation

The residents of the district are facing the aftermath with no means to address the destruction due to the absence of emergency or rescue equipment and the lack of electricity in their area. They are urgently calling on responsible authorities to provide immediate relief and rescue efforts. Meanwhile, the silence and inaction of the Houthi militia authorities in Dhamar Governorate towards the victims’ pleas have been noted.

This tragic event underscores the urgent need for improved infrastructure and disaster response mechanisms in Yemen to mitigate the effects of such natural disasters and provide timely assistance to affected communities.


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