Houthi militia kidnaps journalist in Ibb, Yemen, taking him to an undisclosed location.

Houthi Militia Kidnaps Media Activist in Ibb Province

In a disturbing escalation of human rights abuses, the Houthi militia, designated as a terrorist organization, abducted a media activist last night in Ibb province, Yemen, whisking him away to an undisclosed location.

Local residents reported that Houthi elements, dressed in civilian clothes and driving a white Prado vehicle, forcibly took Mohammed Omar Al-Kathiri from in front of his home in the Lower Al-Jabana area of Old Ibb City. This abduction is part of a broader campaign of kidnappings and threats targeting activists in the province as Yemenis prepare to celebrate the anniversary of the September 26 Revolution, a national holiday commemorating the overthrow of the Imamate in 1962.

A Campaign of Intimidation

The kidnapping of Al-Kathiri coincides with a surge in Houthi abductions and intimidation tactics aimed at stifling celebrations of the September 26 Revolution. Days before Al-Kathiri’s abduction, the militia kidnapped political activist Radad Al-Hudhaifi, and several media activists received threatening calls from Houthi security and intelligence operatives warning them against participating in the upcoming celebrations.

Suppression of September Revolution Celebrations

In a further clampdown on freedom of expression, educational sources revealed that the Houthi supervisor in Ibb province held a meeting with female school principals, issuing strict orders to prohibit any celebrations related to the September Revolution. Those who defy these orders face punitive measures, underscoring the militia’s intent to suppress any forms of dissent or commemoration of the historic event.

A Call for Action

This series of abductions and threats by the Houthi militia marks a significant violation of human rights, highlighting the urgent need for international intervention to protect civilians and activists in Yemen from such oppressive acts. As Yemenis continue to navigate the complexities of an ongoing conflict, the international community must amplify its efforts to hold the Houthi militia accountable for its actions and support the restoration of peace and freedom in Yemen.


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