In a tragic incident, two young girls sustained injuries from an explosion caused by a landmine left by the Iran-backed Houthi militia. The explosion occurred in the Al-Hisan Saeed village, located within a displacement camp in the Shuqrah district of Abyan Governorate.
Details of the Incident
According to a statement from the Shuqrah Police Department, the injured girls, Iman Amin Zahir, aged 6, and Mariam Amin Zahir, aged 8, are internally displaced persons from Al-Hudaydah Governorate. They were playing with the unexploded ordnance, unaware of the dangers it posed.
Ongoing Threats from War Remnants
This incident highlights the persistent threat that remnants of war pose to civilians, particularly children who may not recognize the risks associated with such materials. The presence of these dangerous remnants continues to jeopardize the safety of communities recovering from conflict.
Call for Action
In light of this incident, local police have urged both international and local organizations to take immediate action. They called for efforts to clear affected areas of war remnants and to enhance community awareness regarding the dangers of handling such materials. These measures aim to ensure the safety of citizens and to prevent further tragic incidents in the future.
The situation underscores the urgent need for comprehensive mine clearance operations and educational initiatives to protect vulnerable populations. By addressing these issues, authorities hope to safeguard the lives of children and families in conflict-affected regions like Abyan.
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